It almost feels like this beer was tapped straight from a Pumpkin (with a bit of Brown Sugar)..

A memorable 12 hour double-batch Pumpkin AleBrewed September 7, 2020

  • Taste.. In order – Pumpkin, BROWN SUGAR, maple syrup, cinnamon, spices.  I think the underlying taste is fabulous and the BROWN SUGAR sticks to your mouth long after drinking..  Not just any BROWN SUGAR but think Pam Grier BROWN SUGAR in Foxy Brown! Yes, it’s that good!
  • ABV.. Ron estimated this between 8.5-9.5% – from my perspective it has substantial kick. The good thing is that unlike the Cigar City Good Gourd that we tasted, the alcohol doesn’t overwhelm the taste, even as a dinner beer with a meal. Being completely transparent, I staggered after drinking a 16oz glass.
  • Color..  When settled, it appears to be orange with a hint of brown. This may not be for everyone but I like/love it.
  • The Floaties.. The floaty grains – there’s a lot.  I may have needed to let the beer settle in the keg a bit before pouring but this wasn’t like floating yeast, it was more like small grains of rice.  After a few pours this seems to have settled down.
  • The Heavy.. Some people prefer to have a nice refreshing crisp light beer on a hot day.. well if you’re one of those people then this isn’t the beer for you.  This could be a positive if you’re like me and want your drink to leave you feeling satisfied, however don’t count on being able to drink a sixer.

Final Thoughts:
My grandmother always told me that eating too much BROWN SUGAR will make your teeth rot! This could be a by-line for the beer. Finally… I cant think of a single thing that ties a Pumpkin Ale to Fairgate / Wesley Chapel so good luck with the name on this one. I like: ‘Foxy Brown Pumpkin Ale’ – would love to hear what others think about it….

4 Responses

  1. I missed our last get-together but no matter. I can just about taste the beer through your review! However, nothing tops an actual sip….Put me down for a $6/64oz growler.

  2. On the name – how about this …. the latest addition to Fairgate Brewings’ outstanding selection of beers – “Ole Wesley Pumkin Ale”

  3. Congrats Fairgate brewing team! I just tried the Ole Wesley Pumpkin Ale and really liked it! The color, texture and the taste of maple sugar was interesting.

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