

Of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse.

“they had to thank the goalie for some inspired saves”

Speaking of goalies…!


Andrei Vasilevskiy has made some inspired saves in his life-time and has inspired us Tampans to fall in love with hockey!  One more on inspiration, when I poured myself a tall glass of Fairgate’s Suicide Honey blonde, it inspired me to write this blog.  

It’s been a while but it’s great to be back. The backstory behind the honey blonde is that we brewed it to vet our brewing equipment after some good deep cleaning. The reason for the deep cleaning was due to the unlikely demise of what we all thought was going to be a fabulous Tropical Stout. Instead of ‘fabulous’, the Stout tasted more like a stank sour beer gone wrong so we ditched it and decided to go the route of deep clean the s**t out of that ****er and then brew something easy and simple.

Thanks to the suggestion of our resident Brewmaster, we went for a nice Honey Blonde. What’s with the ‘Suicide’ part of the Fairgate Suicide Honey Blonde, you ask? Yeah, I was gettin’ to that part. The ’Suicide’ is loosely based on a series of unfortunate events in the life of Kathy the Bee. I named the bee Kathy for the sole for the purpose of injecting my wife’s name into this story.

Call it the right place at the wrong time, Kathy (the bee) was buzzing aimlessly around in the Fairgate section of Seven Oaks, Wesley Chapel Florida, when suddenly the thing happened. A set of fate driven, well orchestrated events immediately changed the rest of this young bee’s short life. Kathy, engulfed by the sweet smell of 5lbs. of Amazonian honey being poured into the boil kettle, took a sharp turn directly towards the smell. Like a spiraling kamikaze pilot out of control, she then dove headfirst into the vat of 211 degree wort which ultimately led to her quick and painless death. Luckily for us, someone was smart enough to fish Sweet Kathy’s carcass out of the boiling wort to avoid any further harm. So for those of you who think it’s gross to drink a dead bee, don’t worry Kathy the bee isn’t in our beer. 

Rest In Peace, Kathy the Bee

With that, I wanted to thank the two Kathy’s for not only being lovely but for participating in the brew and being a part of this story.

Onto the beer…

Summary: A+!  This could be our flagship product! Something that was supposed to be quick and it simple, turned out to be phenomenal! I wish I could share this beer with more people but the harmful side effect of sharing is that it would mean less for me! This is a remarkable and marketable beer, perfect for Florida year round – “Endless Summer!”.  This beer is unique, the body is bold and the taste is a perfect combo of both sweet and dry! I’m not an experienced honey blonde ale drinker but I can tell you that I had a pint at a reputable Brewery in Key West, and hands down, Farigate’s Honey Blonde is 1000x better!!

Here it is!

ABV:  4.5%

Color: Gold 

Bitterness: Mild 

Clarity: Mostly Clear

Carbonation: Perfect

Head: Perfect

Head Retention: Perfect

Body: Soft and Dry

Honey Profile: Perfect

I would challenge anyone to challenge me on how good this beer is.  Guy (singular), I’m sorry but we’re tappin’ your keg at the CRAB-FEST this weekend, it’s goin’ bye-bye. Enjoy this wonderful beer Fairgate, the only thing that I have left to say is that I hope this brew inspires us to brew more Fairgate Honey Blonde again and again and again. 

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